Tuesday, September 22, 2009

iRecruit Updates

We are pleased to announce that on Sunday evening (9/27/2009) CMS will be rolling out some beneficial updates to your iRecruit account.

The following changes are now live:

  1. Authentication – The site will be changing from basic authentication to application authentication to allow the ability to prohibit entry from inactive users. The site also has enhanced the logout feature to instantly terminate a users session and force a login on demand. This means that you will see a new iRecruit secure log in screen instead of a popup login.
  2. Application Forms and Email Correspondence - The Email Correspondence for the administration of forms reflects an editing capability that reflects the plain text of an email. This means that going forward all applicant emails will retain the plain text format that you intend, and will not be reformatted with unusual characters seen in HTML emails.
  3. Application Forms - The long text boxes on the application forms now have a character count down and limitation. They are limited to 250 characters and applicants cannot write any more than that, so what you receive from the applicant will no longer be truncated.
  4. Application Forms - Numeric Fields on the application as in Salary Desired are now validated as numeric. Applicants will no longer be able to put in other characters such as "?".
  5. Application Forms - We can now accept different file attachments for Resumes and Cover Letters. Currently accepting: .doc, .docx, pdf, .ppt, .rtf, .txt, .wks, .xls.
  6. Applicant Status - The Comments only and Status field has been updated. Applicants can now traverse up and down the process flow and comments are now more UI friendly. This means that if you had previously changed a ‘new applicant’ (1) to an ‘invite for interview’ (2) status, and then tried to change it back to a ‘new applicant’, it would not register.
  7. Applicant Status - The Application status is separated from the DataManager status. iRecruit now indicates both statuses on the summary page. Applicants are not removed from the process flow or search when the DataManager is run and keep their status indications.
  8. Applicant Search - The search has been updated to allow the selection of seeing the DataManager downloaded data or not.
  9. Saved Searches - The saved search feature is now available to anyone who has search capabilities. This used to be blocked to Hiring Managers and Recruiters if they did not have edit permissions.
  10. Forwarded Emails - The subject line for the forwarded applicants email now has the applicants last name, first name added to it.
  11. Data Manager - You can now turn off or on the user's rights to see the Data Manager.
  12. Reports - New Referral Source report added.

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