Friday, August 24, 2012

Roundup: This Week's Top Recruiting Stories From Around The Web

Recruiting Roundup: This week find out how to source from Twitter, how to interview person's with disabilities, and how to catch lying job seekers.... this week's top recruiting stories from around the web.

Do you hire for passion?
Passion for work Next time you interview a job candidate or consider who on your team gets a new assignment, look for signs of passion for the work. Without it, no amount of talent will yield great performance.

How To Catch Lying Job Seekers
Half -- yes, half -- of all job applicants lie on their resumes. How do you figure out who's telling the truth? The chances are about 50-50 that your newest hire wasn’t completely honest on his or her resume.

Industry trends report: job postings slip in July
Indeed Industry Employment Trends show fewer job postings in July by U.S. employers across all major industries tracked. This report follows declines in June for six of the 12 major industries tracked.

The Single Most Important Recruiting Technique Since My 1-Question Interview
After 30 years of recruiting outstanding senior staff, mid-level managers, and company executives, I can now state unequivocally that the single most important step in the passive candidate recruiting process is the 30-minute exploratory interview.

Hiring 101 Part 9 - Interviewing People with Disabilities
In this video, HR Daily Advisor Editor Stephen Bruce talks about the special rules for interviewing people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act has spelled out rather strict guidelines for interviews, which you should follow carefully.

Temporary Workers: Employ with Caution
The use of temporary talent has risen as the economy has fallen, but organizations need to be aware of the perils of the "joint-employer agreement" among other HR pitfalls.

How to Source Talent on Twitter
"Why Should I Source on Twitter?" Well, you might not realize that: Twitter now has over 250 Million Users, it's growing by 500,000 new users every day, and that its users send more than 350 million tweets each day! Twitter is a platform where users publish Tweets, 140 character-long messages, to broadcast to a network of followers about what they are currently doing and interested in.

How to Select Remote Employees
We know that telecommuting is a growing phenomenon; in fact Forrester Research has predicted that by 2016, about half the workforce may be telecommuting or at least occasionally telecommuting, that is working from home between one and four days a week. This move towards telecommuting will bring benefits to both employers and employees, for example surveys show that employees can ...

The Myth of the Passive Candidate
“We need to get rid of the words ‘active’ versus ‘passive’. They just aren’t relevant words in the job search landscape anymore,’’ says Kassandra Barnes, Research and Content Manager at CareerBuilder. Barnes is referring to the findings of CareerBuilder’s recently released 2012 Candidate Behavior Study, a collaboration with Inavero highlighting the behaviors and perceptions of today’s job candidates.

California On Brink of New “Can’t Ask” Social Media Password Law
California is about to become the third state to prohibit employers from asking employees or job seekers for access to their social media postings. Without dissent, the California Senate this week approved AB1844, the privacy measure. It now requires an Assembly vote and Gov. Jerry Brown’s signature before it takes effect. The Assembly vote is likely this week and is almost perfunctory, since it has already once passed there without dissent.

The Job Market is So Bad for College Graduates that Companies are Bending Over Backwards to Hire Them
This headline makes absolutely no sense, but please don't shoot the messenger just yet. If you're confused about what's really going in with regards to Generation Y/Millennials in the workforce, turn off the news and stop reading the papers. The media is more confused than you are. Either that, or they're purposely trying to confuse you to force you to buy more papers to get unconfused.

Looking for more? Check out last week's Roundup: This Week's Top Recruiting Stories From Around The Web, or follow @cmsirecruit on Twitter for regular  updates.

1 comment:

  1. Nice posting. Thanks for sharing this great information about new job recruitment strategy.
