Friday, October 19, 2012

Roundup: This Week's Top Recruiting Stories From Around The Web

Recruiting Roundup: This week how to   hire engaged emoloyees, what to do if your career website is turning off veterans and more ... this week's top recruiting stories from around the web.

Criminally Overlooked in the Job Market?
Research suggests recruiters find employed job seekers with criminal records more employable
than candidates with clean records but no job. Experts recommend HR professionals take a close
look at individual circumstances when considering unemployed applicants.
How to Hire Engaged Employees
Employee engagement seems to be the buzz phrase these days. But what is employee
engagement and how recruiters and hiring managers identify it in the hiring process?
Five Jobs With the Most Turnover
As the job market moves in a positive direction, workers are feeling more confident about job
prospects and are pursuing new opportunities, according to CareerBuilder’s Q4 2012 Job
Forecast. The study found that 18 percent of hiring managers had top performers leave their
organizations in Q3 2012. In comparison, 26 percent of workers said they plan to change jobs in
the next 12 months.
Is Your Career Website Turning Off Military Veterans?
Recently, I shared Lisa Rosser’s advice on how to use military intelligence to write better job
descriptions — and more successfully recruit veterans seeking a civilian job at your company.
While your job descriptions are arguably your first line of attack (and a very important method of
attracting veterans), they’re only one piece of the puzzle.
Looking for more? Check out last week's Roundup: This Week's Top Recruiting Stories From Around The Web, or follow @cmsirecruit on Twitter for regular updates.

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