Friday, December 20, 2013

Recruiting News RoundUp

This week's recruiting news:

To Make Virtual Teams Succeed, Pick the Right Players
Setting up small, high-performing virtual teams has enormous potential for companies to increase sales, penetrate new markets, improve business processes and come up with the next generation of disruptive innovations. But putting together a great team is tricky.
Part of the problem is that teams—both the virtual and co-located types—are often thrown together without much thought or planning.

Why Hiring Based On Experience Could Damage Your Business
When hiring, the first thing we usually look for is a proven track record. We look for and reward recruits who have succeeded in a similar position elsewhere. However, new research from two European business schools explains why this may not be the best strategy.

On Becoming a Better Recruiter
Congratulations to the great recruiters out there who work hard day after day to find the people required to build great companies.

Are Your Hiring Tactics Unethical?
Hiring is one of the hardest tasks you'll ever undergo as a small business owner. Finding the right person can be a grueling process. But have you considered that, in your quest for perfection, you may have stepped into the realm of being unethical?

6 Reasons We Hire the Wrong Employees.
All employers want to hire the best employees. So why is it that we often find, despite our good intentions and thorough recruiting process, that we still end up with employees who are not a good fit for our organization? This wastes time and money. Why do we do it?

Job Application for Rehires
Do we have to have a job application for employees who are rehired during school breaks – Christmas, spring, and summer?

How to Make a Dream New Hire Experience
Having bagged your dream candidate, it’s important that employers make sure that the new hire does not have a nightmare experience after he or she joins the company, which has been shown to happen in many cases and is evidenced by the findings of a study by The Wynhurst Group. It showed that 22 percent of staff turnover occurs within the first 45 days, which suggests that the new hire, bedding-in period is inherently problematic.

iRecruit Recruiter Training
Please join us on Friday, December 27th at 1pm for iRecruit Training. This month we'll focus on recruiters and hiring managers.

About iRecruit 

iRecruit is a cloud-based recruiting and applicant tracking software application that allows you to track and report on all of your job applicants and positions. Find out more and take a quick screenshot tour on our website at or join a demo on Tuesdays or Thursdays at 11am or 2pm. Call iRecruit at 1-800-517-9099 if you have any questions.   


  1. Our guide will help you to understand the recruitment software needs. You’re probably working for a hiring company or a third-party hiring company if you’re on this page. Therefore, your goal is to find, interview and hire the best people for your clients and companies.
